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& Grow together




Our policy and etc...

How can I get involved in my child’s education?

There are many ways you can actively participate in your child’s education and help your child be successful in school.

  • Talk to your child about school every day.

  • Read to your child.

  • Praise your child’s work. This build’s your child’s confidence.

  • Note your child’s strengths and the areas you feel your child needs to develop. Share this information with the teacher.


How will I know how my child is doing at school?

Your teacher will communicate with you in many ways throughout the school year. During parent-teacher interviews and on report cards, the teacher will share information about your child’s progress and achievement. Since you know your child best, it is also important for you to share information about your child with the teacher. If questions or concerns arise, contact the school.


What is your sick child policy?

We request all children are in good health and able to participate in group care. If a child becomes ill, we will notify a parent immediately and request that the child be 24-hour fever, diarrhea-, vomit-free to return to school. This policy is in the best interest of all children, parents and staff to minimize contamination.


MEDICATION: If a child needs medication during the school day, a parent or a guardian will administer the medication to the child. If not possible, a medication administering slip will be completed by the parents or guardian in order to allow the school representative to do the administering.


In case of a minor accident or injury while at school, the child will receive first aid at the school. Parents will be informed when they pick up the child. In the event of a serious accident, the Director will notify the child’s parents and together they will decide how to best handle the situation. In the event of a life threatening accident or injury, SOS clinic will be called immediately, and the child’s parents will be notified.


How do you work with challenging behaviors?

Children need limits in order to feel secure about themselves and their environment. Our approach to discipline is to see it as an opportunity for problem solving. When children have a dispute, we use a technique where children learn to solve their own problems with support from an adult. Teachers are actively engaged with children, listening to them, modeling appropriate skills, and helping them to see the alternatives and consequences to their behavior. Corporal punishment, isolation and harsh words are not part of our philosophy. 


Will they have a rest time during the day?

Yes, we try to have a rest, relax, and read time during our day especially at the beginning of the year. We read stories together and independently and enjoy this quiet time in our busy day. Children do not have to sleep but some do especially at the beginning of the year as they adjust to an active all day program.


Will children in the full-day program have an advantage going into first grade over children who attend the half-day kindergarten program?

Students in the full-day program will work on the same curriculum standards as students in the half-day program. However, much of the practice, reinforcement, intervention and extensions that will occur in the full-day program will be completed at home with parents for half-day students. It is critical to note that throughout your child’s schooling, a partnership with parents to reinforce classroom education at home is important and will still be necessary for full-day students. The full-day program allows for more time in the school day to focus on specific individual needs and targeted instruction.


What if I intend to change my child’s program from a full day program to half-day program, or vice-versa?

You have to inform the officer that you intend to change your child’s program and fill up a form. A minimum of three months is given before you can change a program again.

If I withdraw my child for some valid reasons, will I get a refund?

Registration fee is not refundable. Advance monthly fee may not be refunded if the student has attended the class for two weeks.


Does my child get a tuition fee discount in case we have to take a month long vacation (even longer)?

Students are given two options:

a) To fill up Long Vacation Form a month in advance and get a 50% of monthly tuition fee.

b) Not to pay the unpaid monthly fee(s) but pay 50% of registration fee.


Why do I still have to pay for tuitions even on holidays, bad weather conditions, vacations or illness?

Tuition will not be prorated for holidays, weather conditions, student vacations or illness. This is to carry-out the costs that will incur during the holidays for teachers salary, school rental and maintenance and etc.  


How and When Can I pay my child’s school fee?

a) You can pay through VTKG’s bank account with account number 008-1-00-1-1378 Vietcom Bank Vung Tau. Please submit the bank transaction slip after payment.

b) You may also pay in cash to the school officer


What is the earliest time I can bring my child?

The school official time is 8:00 in the morning, but for some valid reasons, children can be accepted as early as 7:30 in the morning.

 This special transition time will:    
      -Give a child time to adjust to their environment without being rushed
      -Give a child extra time to say good-bye to you properly
      -Give a child time to greet their classmates, which is a very important part of their day.
      -Give a child a great beginning to their day, without feeling embarrassed about being late.


What is the latest time I can pick up my child?

We give 15 minutes allowances for late pick up. For pick up schedule refer to the list below:

Half-day                     11:30 a.m.

Whole-day                  03:00 p.m.

Extended time            05:00 p.m.


Do you have any discounts for siblings?

Yes, the second child will get 50% discount on registration fee.


CLOTHING/UNIFORMS:  Children are required to wear their uniform every day.  Students should also be wearing shoes that are sturdy, rubber soled and easy to run, jump, and climb in. An extra set of clothes should be sent to school for children to use in case of an emergency. Please place these items in your child’s cubby and please label everything.  Extra clothes do not need to be uniform clothes.


SNACK: Periodically, your child will be asked to provide the class with a healthy snack and drink. Please try to choose a snack that is from 2 of the 4 food groups and keep snacks low in sugar by providing 100% juice or milk.


Due to allergies, DO NOT send snacks that contain nuts or seeds. We ask that parents notify us of any food allergies. Specific information regarding food allergies will be shared with the class in an effort to keep the child safe pending parental permission.


BELONGINGS: We provide adequate space for the storage of personal belongings (coat hooks and cubbies). However, we ask that children leave “special toys”, money, jewelries and other valuables at home. No weapons (play or otherwise) will be allowed at school.


VISITORS: Parents are welcome to observe any time for a certain period of time. All other visitors will need to make arrangements with the Director in advance. In an effort to limit the number of visitors and disruptions to our classes, we encourage families interested in attending VTKG to schedule the visit during lunchtime of the children. Classroom visitation will not exceed 30 minutes.

“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
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